Friday, February 15, 2008

Padmasree Warrior- Legend in IT

A 47 year old Indian-American lady has just won one of the world’s most highly prized jobs. Now being called the geek queen, Padmasree Warrior, has been appointed as Cisco’s Chief Technology Officer. She fills a post left vacant since July when Cisco promoted former CTO, Charles Giancarlo to the post of chief development officer. She was the former CTO of Motorola and In 2001 she was one of six women nationwide selected to receive the "Women Elevating Science and Technology" award from Working Woman Magazine.She is one of the highest ranking female Indian executives in the US technology industry.

Padmasree Warrior is married to Mohandas Warrior, CEO of a Madison, Wisconsin based company called Alfalight. They have a 14 year old son named Karna Warrior.

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